Why Glover Grown


We sell our plants with pride under the Glover Grown brand name.  By consistently selling the highest standard of quality in the business and offering a great mix of interesting, unusual, and useful plants, Glover Grown has become the most respected and sought after plant brand in our market area.

We are not a factory nursery.  Our plants are grown in small batches and tended to with great care.  They are grown with longer production cycles to ensure full, well-rooted plants.  We do not force plants into early bloom; rather our plants grow in sync with natural cycles, ensuring a toughness that forced plants do not have.   We dedicate extra time and resources to utilize a multitude of techniques to ensure all plants get the best treatment.  The benefit of all this extra effort?  Plants that are more successful in the landscape.

We are propagators.  Most nurseries today buy in plugs or bare roots from other sources to be potted and sold when rooted.  About 75% of what we sell is started “from scratch” here at our nursery.  Whether from seeds, cuttings or divisions, we spend the extra time and effort to propagate most of our own plants.  In doing so, we can ensure a higher quality starter plant that results in a higher quality finished plant.  For us though, it goes beyond that.  We also find immense gratification in “cracking the code” of how to successfully propagate a plant.  Learning how to reproduce a particular plant greatly satisfies our plant passions and gives us insights that we would not have known otherwise.

Quality Assurance

Our work to provide excellent plants does not end with our growing practices.  When orders are pulled they are triple checked to meet our high quality standards.  Not only is our shipping crew well trained to pick the very best plants, their work is checked by our shipping coordinator, and then a third and final check by our sales team.  Our philosophy about plant quality is simple: top quality plants sell faster and offer greater customer satisfaction.  Our efforts reward us with a sense of pride and customer loyalty.


Glover Perennials is committed to offering the largest selection of native plants, with over 350 from the Northeastern US, as well as many more near native from the mid-Atlantic and Midwestern US. We specifically seek out natives with ornamental appeal – plants desirable for both retail sales as well as re-vegetation projects. Many of our natives are local ecotype, with stock originating from Long Island locations. The origin location (or provenance) of a plant matters: Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Bluestem) with a Long Island provenance rather than Nebraskan will be better adapted to our region. We happen to think our locally native little bluestem looks and performs better in our landscapes than the Midwestern types!